
Thriving by choice…

   I returned home from a busy day at the office, plopped down on the couch, and picked up the m&m bowel on our coffee table.  I have become addicted to the m&m covered pretzels.  My sister & I are co-blogging as we train for our first half marathon from two different countries.  I would have never embarked on this journey with anyone else.  As I was eating my yummy m&m’s on the couch, I realized I set up my training schedule last night, and I was supposed to come home & head to the gym.  So…I begrudgingly put the m&m’s down, grabbed my running shoes, iPod, and ymca card, and headed to the gym to get my run on.  After a mile & 1/2 run, I went to East Chase to shop & eat dinner while reading two more chapters of “The Help.”  Tonight was the most relaxing evening of my week.

Next to Yoga, running is so liberating.  I am excited to accomplish an amazing goal, which just went on my bucket list, with my beautiful sister.  We plan on running said half together when she returns from Korea.  As I started on my second mile tonight, I realized I have two goals that could possibly collide this upcoming year; carrying my first child & running my first half marathon.  Although we are training in different countries, I want to cross the finish line with Alex by my side.

I will keep training & blogging my way through this worthy goal.  Fun & sore times will be had by us both.  I’m hopeful this race empowers us to move even more mountains in life.

